Integrative Health: Combining Chiropractic Care with Conventional Medicine

Emma Brown
2 min readMay 20, 2024


Integrative health represents a comprehensive approach to care that combines the best of chiropractic medicine and conventional medical treatments. This model focuses on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms, enhancing patient outcomes through a multi-disciplinary approach. This blog explores the benefits of integrating chiropractic care with conventional medicine.

The Synergy of Chiropractic and Conventional Medicine

Integrative health brings together chiropractic practitioners and conventional healthcare providers to offer a holistic approach to health and wellness. Here’s how this synergy benefits patients:

1. Holistic Patient Care

Combining chiropractic adjustments with medical treatments allows for a more comprehensive approach to health issues, focusing on the body’s overall function and wellness, not just isolated problems.

2. Enhanced Pain Management

Chiropractic care can complement medical pain relief methods by addressing biomechanical causes of pain, such as spinal misalignments or posture issues, which often aren’t the primary focus of conventional medicine.

3. Improved Recovery Times

For injuries, especially those related to the musculoskeletal system, integrating chiropractic care can speed up recovery by improving mobility and reducing pain, complementing surgical or pharmacological interventions from the medical field.

4. Prevention of Chronic Conditions

Regular chiropractic care can help prevent the onset of chronic conditions that might otherwise require extensive medical treatment. By maintaining proper alignment and functionality, patients can enjoy better overall health, potentially reducing the need for medications or surgeries.

Benefits of Integrated Health Approaches

  • Patient-Centered Care: This approach ensures that all treatments are tailored to the individual’s unique health needs and personal goals.
  • Increased Treatment Options: Patients benefit from a wider range of therapeutic options, which can be more effective than one-dimensional treatment plans.
  • Focus on Prevention: Integrative health emphasizes preventive care to maintain wellness rather than merely reacting to illness.

Facilitating Access with Credee Payment Plan

Understanding the costs associated with comprehensive healthcare is crucial. The Credee payment plan is designed to make integrative health approaches more attainable by providing patients with flexible financing options.

Advantages of the Credee Payment Plan:

  • Flexible Payments: Patients can spread the cost of their healthcare over time, making both chiropractic care and conventional treatments more affordable.
  • Easy Enrollment: Signing up for Credee is straightforward, with many healthcare providers, including chiropractic offices, accepting this payment method.


Integrative health, which combines chiropractic care with conventional medicine, offers a promising path to comprehensive healthcare. By addressing both physical and medical aspects of health, patients receive balanced care that promotes lasting wellness. The Credee payment plan supports this approach by making it financially accessible, allowing more individuals to benefit from the best of both chiropractic and conventional medicine.

